What quirks make you… you?

Some would say I am a creature of habit and others would say I am a wild unicorn with a gypsy soul, leaving a trail of glitter wherever I go.  Is beauty in the eye of the beholder or is it your the time of day you catch me?  I will admit there are not too many thing I do on an extremely regular basis and I find it incredibly difficult to pick up good habits (bad habits are a completely different blog all together, and thankfully, a different time in  my life).  However, there are a few things I am know to do and my day is a miss when these things are out of sync.  Ever stop and think about the silly little idiosyncrasies of your life and how if you don’t do them regularly you just feel all out of whack?

I will share of few of mine with you in hopes that you can feel a bit more normal. (And I will assume there are readers out there nodding their heads saying, oh yes I do that to, so I too shall feel a little less out of place).  Here we go…

  1. I must make my bed everyday. (Today, by the way, I did not and it’s making me nuts)  I love to have my bed made and when I am running, so late that I don’t make it, I come home at the end of the day and make it anyway.  I truly enjoy climbing into a freshly made bed.  I love having the sheets folded back like my own turn down service.
  2. Speaking of bedtime, I always sleep under the covers and I prefer a comforter to a quilt so if it is super cold, I will just pile blankets on top of my fluffy comforter rather than exchange the comforter for a heavy quilt.  Also, if it is hot, I will turn the AC to super cold just to I can feel nice and cuddly at night.
  3. I drive the same way to an from a destination.  Once I go somewhere once, that is how I know to get there and I cannot deter from those directions or I get lost.  don’t get me wrong, I love to go on driving adventures and do very frequently.  However, as I drive to work, my kids house, my husbands work, etc. I can only go one way or I am completely lost.  Additionally, I get very frustrated at the suggestion of a new way to travel.
  4. Whenever I take a road trip, I must have the proper road trip snacks.  These consist of a Fountain Soda and something sweet (usually skittles) and something salty (usually Pizza pretzel Combos).  And a road trip can be any drive longer than two hours.

These are just a few of my always, no matter what, absolute never changing things I do.  I would love to hear some of yours.  I love my little quirks and I have plenty more that I’m sure I will share along the way.  I hope these made you smile a bit today.  As always, have a happy day.

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